The New Heroin

Fentanyl is the more potent, lethal cousin of heroin, and because it offers a higher high for a ch...

What Not To Ask

As an employer, it's important to know the signs of substance abuse. You want a workplace without...

OSHA's Final Rule

OSHA's final rule focuses on improving safety for workers across the country. The rule, whic...

Too Drugged To Drive?

When a person drinks, alcohol spreads through their saliva and breath evenly saturating their lung...

Fourth Time's A Charm?

In response to a 2015 letter drafted by eight senators proclaiming the need for federal fundin...

OSHA Delays Final Rule

Less than a month before the August 10th effective date of OSHA's Final Rule, a lawsuit was filed wh...

Substance Use In America

Earlier this year the Obama administration announced plans to ask congress to spend an additional ...

America's Opioid Epidemic

Our country is currently in the midst of an opioid epidemic. Tens of thousands of Americans are...

FMCSA Issues 25% Random Rate

Recently the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced a new random testing rate f...

It's Alcohol Awareness Month!

In 2014 an estimated 55,000 adolescents received treatment for an alcohol problem. According to ...

Drug Testing Welfare Applicants

This week lawmakers in South Dakota will introduce a bill which aims to make welfare applicants not...

How To Spot Drug Test Cheating

A quick search for "how to pass a drug test" reveals hundreds of results, and thousands of pleas fro...

A Brief History Of Drug Testing

In the 1980's a Conrail train crashed into an Amtrak passenger train, killing sixteen people. The N...

Amphetamine Use In The Workplace

We know that drug use in the workplace can cause higher worker's compensation costs, legal iss...

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

At least when it comes to advancements in technology. Technology can help increase business...

How To Handle A Positive Drug Test

Substance abuse in the workplace is more prevalent than you might think. A recent study revealed t...

Policy Response To Opioid Epidemic

Over the past several decades our understanding of opioid addiction has changed. We now know that...

How Random Is Your Random Selection

Have you ever compared your random draws to find that they actually don’t seem that random at all? I...

Here's Why You Should Test For Alcohol

Close to fifteen million full-time employees in the United States are heavy drinkers. Their pr...

Drug Testing Policy And Marijuana Reform

On November 8th, eight states legalized either recreational or medicinal marijuana. That means that ...

What You Need To Know About Drug Testing

Drug use in the workplace costs our country billions of dollars every year. According to the Natio...

It's Time To Talk About Drugged Driving.

Between the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana in many states and the ever-increas...

Prescription Drug Abuse And The Workplace

Prescription medications, when used correctly and under a doctor's supervision, often result in fa...

The Impact Of Alcohol Use In The Workplace

There are two types of drinking behavior that contribute to an increase in performance problems in...

New Warning Labels For Opioid Prescriptions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 25,000 people died from a pre...

What Can Be Considered Reasonable Suspicion?

Reasonable suspicion drug testing is an important way to ensure that your employees are productive...

Medical Marijuana And The Drug-Free Workplace

When Michael Swaw tested positive for marijuana after a workplace injury he was promptly fired. Mich...

Changes In Drug Testing For Commercial Drivers

Hair-follicle testing is considered by many to be more accurate than urinalysis. This type of tes...

Professions With The Highest Rates Of Drug Abuse

Addiction is not uncommon in any occupation, and a focus on employee heath and wellbeing is neces...

Drug Testing Employees- What Are You Doing Wrong?

Having an effective drug testing program helps to create a safer and more productive workplace. Un...

Cheating On A Drug Test Could Soon Be More Difficult

A quick google search for "synthetic urine' reveals pages of results on how to beat a urine test....

How Does Marijuana Legalization Impact Drug Testing?

In just half a year, there have been more than 50 legislative initiatives aimed at the legalizati...

Myth Or Fact? Three Common Drug Testing Myths Debunked

Employees who use drugs are 3.5 times more likely than others to be involved in a workplace accident...

What Your Employees Need To Know About Opioid Addiction

According to studies, prescription opioid abuse alone costs employers more than $25 billion a year....

The Best Software For Your Company Is Web Based Software.

The transition to web based software from desktop can seem daunting. But these fears are largely u...

Use Of Synthetic Cannabinoids To Avoid Positive Drug Tests

Many drug users will do whatever it takes to pass a drug test. Some attempt to use a clean urine s...

How Can Software Get Your Drug Testing Business Off to a Great Start?

Using TestVault is an excellent way start up your drug testing business Congratulations on your new...