Add a company

Follow these steps to add a company to the "Groups" page.

Step 1. Create the new company page

  1. Click "Groups" from the main navigation.
  2. Click the "New Company" button under Action.

Step 2. Fill out the company, person and location information

  1. Edit the company information, including the required fields.
    • Note that required fields are indicated by an asterisk next to their name. For example, "company name" is required, but the logo is not.
  2. There are three separate forms to be filled out when creating a company.
    • The overall company details on the top left, person details on the bottom left, and location details on top right. Further information on all three sections is provided below.

Step 3. Enter the company information

  1. Fill out the company information on the top left.
    1. This form includes fields like company name, time zone, and logo.
    2. There is a field called "role" which is important for indicating what kind of company this is.
      1. For your customers, you will give assign the "Client" role. This will allow them to be selected as a company when importing or creating test records.
      2. You can also mark a Company as a Lab, MRO, or Collection Site.
        • Only companies with the appropriate role will be shown as choices when entering test information later on. For example, companies with the role of "Lab" will be shown as choices when choosing the lab for a test record.
  2. Fill out the person details on the bottom left.
    • This is the primary contact, or DER, for the company. If you want to provide this person "client access" to the web portal you can do so:
      1. Fill out their email address.
      2. Check off the relevant boxes in the "permission groups" section. This controls whether they can see results, add people to their company, etc.
      3. When you finish filling out this form (along with all company and location details" you will see a pop-up come up that says the person has been sent an invitation to access the system.
  3. Fill out the location details on the top right. This includes information like their address, city, and phone number.

Step 3. Save the new company

  1. Click on the save button.
  2. The new company now appears on the "Groups" page.

Check out the video tutorial for adding companies.