Reset a user's password

Step 1: Find the person's company page

  1. Click "Groups" from the main navigation.
  2. Find and select the company to which the user belongs. You may use the search box to quickly find the company name.
    • Note that if you want to reset a coworker's password, you must go to My Account from the home page to access your company's employees.

Step 2. Reset password

  1. From the company page, click the "People" link.
  2. Select the person at the company who requires a new password.
  3. Click the "Actions" button and then "Reset Password". Click "Yes" to confirm.
  4. An email will automatically be sent to your coworker inviting them to TestVault. Once the user clicks on the link provided in the email, he or she can reset their password and gain access to TestVault.
  5. Note that if "Reset Password" is not an option under "Actions" that means that they do not have access and you will need to follow the procedure for initially inviting them to the system.

Check out the video tutorial for resetting a user's password