Merge Duplicate Person Records

Follow these steps to merge duplicate person records within a company-for example, company ABC Trucking has two people named "John Smith" in it.

Step 1. Merge the duplicates

  1. Click "Groups" from the main navigation.
  2. Click on the company you want to merge duplicates for.
  3. Click the "people" link on top left.
  4. Click on "actions" and choose "merge duplicates" on top right.
  5. This will show you a preview of all the people who will be merged.
    • Note: you can use to search bar on the top left to filter this list (e.g., you know that you only the only people you wish to merge have the first name "John").
  6. Click "merge duplicates" on the top right and then click "yes" on the next page. This will confirm that you want to merge those person records.
  7. If there are only a few people they will be merged right away. If there is a longer list of duplicates then you will receive an email in a few moments when the merge is completed.

Step 2. Make any corrections (if necessary)

  1. Once the merge is complete you will be sent a summary email telling you how many people were merged and whether any people were unable to be merged because of conflicting information.
  2. For example, if you have two person records both named "John Smith" but one has a "unique ID" of 123 and one has a "unique ID" of 456, then the system will not let you merge the duplicates because it does not know which is the correct unique ID.
  3. In this case it will list John Smith in the summary email with "Unique ID: 123 456" listed below it, indicating the two conflicting values for unique ID.
  4. To allow the person to merge, go back into the system and remove the incorrect value.  For example, if the correct value is "123", then click on the other person record and delete "456" as their unique ID.  Repeat this for any other people who had conflicts, and then you will be able to complete the merger.