Perform an MRO Review

Follow these steps to perform an MRO review of a test result.

Step 1. Ensure you're receiving results from your labs

Step 2. Select a test to review

  1. Click on the "tests" tab.
  2. You can use the "status" dropdown to choose either the "negative" on "non-negative" test records.
  3. Click on the test record.

Step 3. Perform the review

  1. Click on the "MRO checklist" tab (to the right of the documents and activity tabs).
  2. The left-hand side provides an MRO checklist to guide you though the review process.
  3. The right-hand side has a variety of supporting information:
    • Donor confirmation info (so you can quickly identify the donor by birth date or ID).
    • A place to record contact attempts (for both the donor and DER).
    • A place to record prescriptions.
    • The lab result information (overall result as well as any individual positive substances).
    • A place to record notes that will appear on the Specimen Detail Report.
  4. On the lower left-hand side there is the MRO result section where the final result is entered.
    1. To finalize a verified process, change "MRO Status" to "Verified".
    2. By default, this will copy over the lab result (and any positive substances) but you can change those here.
    3. The "verified by" field will record whichever user entered the final verification (you can leave this blank the system will fill it out automatically).
    4. The MRO field records the MRO for that test record (you can type in the first few letters of their name and it will auto-complete).
      • Make sure the MRO's company is marked with the "role" of "MRO" to ensure the MRO shows up as an auto-complete
    5. You can enter the MRO verification date (or leave it blank and the system will fill in the current time).

Alternative 1. Quicker Review

  1. When you first click on a test record you will see a section called "MRO" (just below the lab "Results" section on the right hand side).
  2. You can mark the result verified here as well without accessing the whole MRO Checklist section.

Alternative 2. Bulk Review

  1. You are able to bulk verify negative results by following the steps below.
  2. Click on the tests tab.
  3. Change the "status" dropdown to "negative" and hit enter.  This will show a list of all negative results.
    • If you would like to verify a subset of the negative test records, you can check off the checkboxes next to just some of the negative test records.
  4. Click "Actions" and "Bulk Update" on top right.
  5. Set the "New MRO Status" to "Verified" and click "Yes".
  6. The system will loop through all negative tests, check that they have the required information (eg making sure a lab and collection site are filled out), and then mark them as verified.  This will also put them in the "ready to send" bucket, you can read more about bulk sending results by clicking the link further down in this article.  You will get a summary email when the bulk verification is completed indicating how many test records have been verified and whether any were not verified because of issues.

Step 3. Sending Results

  1. You can send any individual test result via email by clicking on it and then clicking "Actions" and "Specimen Detail" on the top right.
  2. You can also send results in bulk (which also collates multiple test records for the same company into a single email). You can read instructions for that process here: Bulk Send Reports

Check out the video tutorial for performing and recording an MRO review.