Track Collection Site Fees

You can use "Bills" to keep track of how much you should be charged by collection sites for the collections they perform. Follow these steps to set up your surcharge pricing and generate bills:

Step 1. Set up your surcharges

Follow the steps to create surcharges for each collection site you're working with. In addition to the steps below, make sure to fill out the "cost" field on the left-hand side with the actual amount that the collection site charges:

Set up Surcharges

Step 2. Generate Bills

  1. Click on the "billing" tab and then click on "Bills"
  2. Click "actions" and "generate bills".
  3. You can optionally restrict this to a collection date range or to a particular collection site.
  4. Click "yes". Once the generation process is complete you will get a summary email.
  5. Click on the "Bills" tab and review the bill for each collection site to see how much you should have been charged.

Check out the video tutorial for tracking collection site fees.